The Court House on Nytorv.

sen in Greek-Roman style. The main-entrance has a line frontispiece, carried by six Jonian columns. Above these is the famous inscription from the Ju tlan d Law of Val- demar I I : »W ith law one must build the country«. In the hall is a colossal statue of the bishop Absalon, the founder of the city. To the left of the m ain-front the building is connected, by two characteristic and beautiful arches with a covered way, w ith the prison on the other side of the street. The co urt­ house, besides Byretten, gives room to different public in­ stitutions.

anil served as m ilitary aca­ demy and then as naval aca­ demy and was named »Kadet- akademiet« (naval cadet aca­ demy). L ater again the buil­ ding was turned into b a r­ racks, but then after the lire of Christiansborg palace in 1884 the W ar-D epartment let the homeless P arliam ent have it until the new C hristians­ borg was built. After this the building was made into the present court-building. The Byretten , the City court has its rooms in the beautiful old building of the former Town-Hall on Nytorv (see route 1) built in 1805— : 15 by the architect C. F. H an­

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