Ju stice .

Besides these courts there are a few special courts, of which the most im portant is the »So og Handelsretten« in Copenhagen, treatin g cases of mercantile and m aritim e in ­ terest. The court consists of a President and a Vice-pre­ sident, both ju rists, and a number of members being spe­ cialists in commercial m at­ ters, oppointed by the King, chosen among the prom inent members of the private trade. There is further a special court, occupied with disputes concerning the labour, while church-affairs have their spe­ cial courts, appointed for the single cases. The m ilitary cases have been abolished a short time ago and the m ilitary cases are treated by the ordinary juridical courts. The Supreme Court has its own building, situated by Christiansborg palace in the socalled Prince Jorgens Court at the North-side of the pa­ lace. The Superior Court (0stre Landsret) and So- og Han­ delsret ten reside in the courtbuilding on the corner of Bredgade and Fredericiagade. The building in the 18th cen­ tu ry was used as an opera- house. I t was later rebuilt

The present justice in Den­ mark is based upon an act of 1!)1!). The judicial power con­ sists of three tribunals, as fol­ lows : 1 : The Supreme Court, con­ sisting of a president and 12 judges. 2: 3 Superior Courts, one for the islands, one for J u t ­ land and one for Slesvig, and 3: The Lower Courts, in Copenhagen called Byretten or the City-Court, while in the country are about 100 local lo­ wer courts. The general rule is, th a t every case is treated a t two courts, most of them being appealed by the accu­ sed or by the State. The proceedings in the courts are public and verbal. In certain criminal cases, where a heavy punishment may be expected, an obligatory ju ­ ry is used. Cases, in which a ju ry is acting, are always ranging under the Superior Court and the J u ry decides, if the accused is guilty or not. The members are only perm itted to answer the que­ stions p u t to them by the court w ith »yes« or »no«. In criminal cases the State uses the public prosecutor, who lias the title of »Bigsadvokat«, at whose disposal are several »Statsadvokater«.

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