Set. A lbans church.

university. A t the fire in 1728 the church and the tower were burned, a t which occa­ sion the library w ith irrepa­ rable manuscripts were des­ troyed, but already in 1731 the church was rebuilt. The exterior is quite ino- notonous, bu t the interior is very tasteful. The altar-pie­ ce, the pulpit and the organ are richly ornamented with carved work and the font ma­ de from white marble. In the chancel are two marble-angels and a painting by A. Dorph: »Christ blessing the discip- les«. On the lawn towards Ivob- magergade has been erected a monument to the poets J o ­ hannes Ewald and Johan Her-

Admission every Sunday after the service 11%. Set. Albans church, the English church (route 2), was inaugurated in 1887 and is bu ilt by the English architect A. W. Blomfeldt in early English style. The exceedingly beautiful situation by the Ci­ tadel moat and a t the en tran ­ ce to Langelinie is very pic­ turesque. The church is the property of the English Go­ vernment. Trinitatis church, built together with Itundetaarn (see chap­ ter 7) on Kobmagergade(rou­ te 5) is erected by Christian IV and Frederik III. The loft of the church formerly was used for the library of the

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