

liefs set in the church-wall) and the composer I. P. E. H artm ann (see the picture of the church page 05). Admis­ sion by application to the wo­ man in charge, Lille Straud- stra d e 13. Elias church (route 7) is situated on the Vesterbro square, nicely built into the row the houses. The piece is painted by Frantz Schwartz. See the picture page 100. Helligaands Kirken (the church of the IToly Ghost (route 1) is situated on Ama- gertorv (square). On this si­ te originally was situated the House of the Holy Ghost, where the sick and poor were ta ken care of by a clerical bro­ therhood. During the reign of Christian I it w a s made in­ to a. m o n a s t e r y b e lo n g in g to the order of St. Augustin. The history of the church is very little known. The church burned at the big tire in Copenhagen 1728 and while it was burning, the musical clock b e g a n to play the psalm »Vreden din afveiul, H e r r e Gud af Naade«. (»Avert your wrath, oh, Lord of mercy«). In 1880 the church was fi­ nished in its original form. The southern ornamental ga­ teway was built by Christian TV in 1020. I t has his mono­ gram and above it the dove of the Holy Ghost. The interior is finished in a dignified renaissance.

The professor Meldahl was chosen to be architect and in 1894 the church was inaugu­ rated. I t is b u ilt in classic baroque style. The diameter of dome is only a few metres smaller than th a t of the dome of St. Peters church. On balu­ sters are placed 18 colossal statues of prom inent men of the church from Moses to L u­ ther and sim ilar statues of men of the Danish church from Ansgar to G rundtvig are erected on socles around the church. The interior of the church is imposing with a magnifi­ cent alar in the shape of a temple. The font is by Stefan Sinding. An epitaph to the builder C. P. Tietgen and wi­ fe is made by Niels SJcov- (juard. Admission daily 8—12 Admission to the dome as a rule from !)—if during the summer an 9—12 in the winter. Garnisons church (church of the garrison) (route 1) on St. Anna; square, b u ilt in 1705 after the design of JDominico Pelli. The main p a rt of the m aterials are taken from the old Amalienborg, when it burned in 1089. In the chan­ cel four p aintings: The C ru­ cifixion, the Entombment of Christ, the Wise men and the Resurrection. On the church­ yard, the remainder of the cliurcli-yard, abolished in 1857, among others are buried the painters I. Th. Lundbye and C. V. Eckersberg (broncere-

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