The Jesus church (route 8) is situated in Valby a t Valby Langgade and was built in 1884—91 by the brewer Carl Jacobsen after the design of the professor Dahlerup in old Christian style with motives from brick churches in Italy. The beautiful detached cam- panile of 8 stories ends with a spire, a t the top of which is a g ilt angel. The interior of the church is very beautiful* The apost­ les a t the entrance are pain­ ted by August Jcrndorff, the chancel frieze, »tlie martyrscc is modelled by Stefan Striding as well as the characteristic alta r candlesticks. Underneath the cross is a crypt with the Jacobsens family vault. Out­ side the church is standing an enormous crucifix, model­ led by Jerichau. Admission daily from 12—2, except Sun­ day and Wednesday (25 Ore, if informations are wanted). Vartov church (Map 1), situated on Longangsstrsede, is built in 1754—55. G rundtvig was a m inister a t this church from 1839 until his death. I t was considered the main- church of the followers of G rundtvig. Admission daily 5—5 1/,. . Fredcriks church (the m arble church) (route 2) is si­ tuated on Bredgade. The foun­ dation stone laid ;as early as in 1749, using the Peters church

preaching in the desert. Abo­ ve the entrance-door is a re­ lief: Christ enters Jeru sa­ lem. These works too arc by Thorvaldsen. The church is open all weekdays 8t£—11 y, A. M. After this time the church w ay be inspected by paying an admission of 50 Ore (May 1st—Sept. 30th 1 —3. Oct. 1st—April 30th 1— 2). Admission to the tower all weekdays 0— 12 (Ju ne—• Aug. 30th) 50 Ore. The palace church (route 5) is situated on the northern p art of Slotsholmen and was built a t the same time as Christiansborg 1733—40, but was destroyed with this at the fire in 1794. I t was re­ built with the palace by C. F. Hansen. The inauguration took place in 1820 on the thousand year anniversa­ ry of the introduction of the C hristianity in Denmark. The main gateway is formed by four Jonian columns with fronton. The edifice is roofed w ith a beautiful semi- cirkular, coppered cupola. The interior is worth seeing w ith friezes by Thorvaldsen and reliefs by H. V. Bissen. The font is made from porphyry with bronce-ornaments. The reformed church (Map 4) situated on Gothersgade, is built 1088—89, burned in 1728, but was rebuilt in the same form in 1731.

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