The bishops palace, Norrcgade.

The cathedral (The church of our Lady) (route 1) is the centre of the Copenhagen La­ tin quarter, where the univer­ sity, the Metropolitan school and the old bishops palace are situated its history goes back to the 12th century. A t the time of the great fire in 1778 it burned but was restored and got a tower of 120m bight with a spire. A t the English bom­ bardment of Copenhagen in 1807 it burned again and was rebuilt again 1811-29 in clas­ sic style by C. F. Hansen. As it stands now, the interior adorned with the marble works of Thorvaldsen, the fi­ ne figure of Christ, as a pie­ ce, placed in a niche with columns and frontispiece, with the twelve apostles standing along the sides between the

round arches, w ithout a sing­ le painting in the stric t clas­ sic style, it is the typical pro- testan t church, suggestive most beautifully of the inmost na­ ture of the prostestantism . It is considered the most remar­ kable church of the prostestant world and therefore ought to be visited by all tourists. In the chancel is placed the marble font by Thorvaldsen, an angel holding a mussel- shell. In the rotunda above the altar is the relief: Christ going to Golgatha; in the confessional are two reliefs: the baptism and the Lords supper and above the alms- boxes at the main-entrance two other reliefs: the mercy and the guardian angel, all works by Thorvaldsen. The ornamental gateway to

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