The Swedish Legation, Set. Annseplads 15.

audience every T hursday in the M inisterial building, ex­ cepting the M inister of fo­ reign affaires, who resides a t Cliristiansborg, the Mi­ nister of public instruction, Frederiksholms Kanal, 21 (Staldmestergaarden) and the M inister of commerce, Hol- mens K anal 3. Inform ation concerning the hours is given in the respective door-keer pers rooms. Brazilian Legation: Chancery 2-4 G1 Kalk- bramderivej 5 ................. 0bro 50 38 British Legation: Chancery 11-1 Bred- gade 26............................ Centr. 56 28 Department o f Commerce B redgade20................... Centr. 92 28 Passport Office 10-1 Store K ongensgade 14 ... .Centr. 48 35 Chilean Legation: 10-12 K ristiansgade 21. Centr. 92 85

lers name. I t entitles to trade by samples in the towns (ne­ ver in tbe country). I t costs 400 K roner and 200 K roner for each if more firms are re­ presented. Audience. His Majesty the K ing as a rule gives audien­ ce every second Monday, 11 o’cl. A. M. a t C liristiansborg Palace. E ntrance through the gate in P rin s Jurgens Gaard. The M inisters generally give American Legation: 10-5, Snturd 10-1 (Centr. 19 25 Am aliegade 12___(Centr. 13,927 Commercial Attache Toldbodvej 7 ................ Centr.12,908 The M inisters Office Am aliegade 1 2 ......... Centr. 10,548 Belgian Legation: Chancery 2-4 Toldbodvej 7 ................................. PaleB 38 80


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