Frederik V II’s Bridge in Grstedspark.

prising an area of 14 hectares, j was laid out in 1878, is the j park, which has kept most j of the character of the origi- j nal area of fortification. : Still one is able to trace j quite plainly the old bastions, j ravelins and redoubts, the : idyllic walk along the moat : etc. In the park are monu- : meats to the authors Soplius : 8charidorj)h (bust by P. S. j Kroyer) and Soplius Bandits • (the sculptor Aksel Hansen), j flrstedsparken (route 5), j the most elegant of the parks, : laid out by the inspector of j public gardens, II. A. Flindt. : The park, Gy, hectares, was \ opened to the public on Oc- j tober 27 1879. The bridge, j crossing the moat, »Frederik j V II’s Bro«, formerly lead over j the moat at Nor report. Besi- j <

leslogen«. The centre in the garden is the graceful little fountain with the figure made by the sculptor Freund in 1837, »The boy on the swana. Among the statues in the garden may be mentioned the statue of the fairy-tale au­ thor 11. C. Andersen, by Saa- bye, the crinoline-statue of Queen Caroline Amalie by Villi. Bissen and the monument to the politician and editor Viggo lloruy, by Willumsen. The oldest sculpture in the garden is the group »The hor­ se and the lion«, by Peter Husum, made in 1018. On the areas of the old for­ tifications three parks were laid out, the 0stre Anlceg, the Botanical Garden and Orstedsparken. Bstre Anlag, (Map 3) com­

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