ParKs - Plantations - Monuments. In former days planting ns belonging to Copenhagen, was abundant in Copenba- and these two parks have gen, and to a great number been very attractive to tbe of the residences of the nobi- inhabitants of the city, lity and the citizens belonged Kongens H ave (The K ings big and beautiful gardens. Garden) (Map 7) was redu- B ut of these are only a few ced to its present size in the and far between rests left, beginning of the last eentu- hidden behind (lie houses. ry. The former flower-garden The only public garden of in 1785 was made into a drill- any size inside the old lim its ground. The area for Kron- of the city, is the Rosenborg prinsessegade was cut of after Have (Kongens Have — the the (ire in 1795 and the fence K ings Garden). This was laid with the pavilions was built out a t the same time, as the after the draw ing of the ar- Kosenborg Palace was built, chitect Meyn. In the begin- 1G0G—18, and its site a t th a t ning of the present century, time was outside the town, the royal orchard towards When the walls and the areas Solvgade was taken into the of the fortifications became garden area and tbe newmonu- municipal property and was mental gate opposite the art- parcelled out for building, museum was built after the areas at the same tim e-w ere- draw ing of the architect Hel- set aside for a number of weg Moller. Originally the gar- new parks and plantations, den was laid out in the stiff The parkareas were considera- French style, of which one is bly increased, when a t the still reminded by the two beginning of the century, it main-avenues, KavalGrgangen was decided to lay out the and Damegungen (the cava- great areas of the commons liers- and the ladies walk), and of the still more d istant A t the end of the first is the Lerso as parks. Although si- old y)Eremitage«, rebuilt in tuated in another community classic style in 1773 by the tbe Frederiksberg Garden and architect C. F. Harsdorff as Sondermarken are considered a background to tbe group -210-

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