Am alienborg Palace.

colonnade from Set. Annae- plads, the palace of Christian VII is to tlie left. This is the palace for the receptions, containing the Knights hall and the Throne-room. To the right is the palace of Chri­ stian IX. Opposite are the residence-palace to the left, where the K ing resides, and the_ dowager-queens palace to the right. In the middle of the place with mosaic pavement stands the bronce equestrian statue of Frederik V, donated in 1771 by the A siatic Company and made by the French sculptor N. B. Italy. The cost of this statue — more than 1 million K roner — has be­ come a proverb in the histo­ ry of art, but the statue is really the most beautiful in

on the North-side of the pa­ lace. The entrance in the middle of this wing leads to tlie K ings audience-rooms, the only royal rooms acces­ sible a t present, the others still being in the hands of the decorating artists and not expected finished before 1927. Amalienborg Palace consists of four Ttococo-palaces, built after the plans of Eigtved. The palaces and the lower buildings on their sides are erected in elegant Jonian style by HarsdorfT and su r­ round an octogonal place. The palaces were built du­ ring the 18th century by dif­ ferent noblemen, to whom Frederik V gave the ground on the condition of a un i­ form building. If one comes through the

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