Christiansborg l’alace: Drabantsalen (The Hall of the Halberdiers). Europe of its Kind. I t cer­ tain ly is n most unique ra ­ rity , th a t a castle lite Chri- stiansborg underneath its walls treasures approachable and well preseved monu­ ments of an tiq u ity from the time, when the first pages of the countrys history was w ritten. enters the inner court-yard towards the Riding-ground. This is on all sides turroun- ded by buildings, still not restored. Theyare the remain­ der of the former Christians- borg and have happily avoi­ ded the two last fires. The buildings are commected w ith the palace by arcades and to ­ wards the beautiful Marmor- bro, the Marble-Bridge, lea­ ding to Ilolmens K anal, they end in two very decorative pavilions of sandstone. The high building to the left courtains the ‘royal stables. The old court-theatre was in this building and the thea­ tre-museum is now installed there (see chapt. C). The high building to the rig h t is the royal riding-school. Through the low building, Among fhe ruins one will find the »Absalons well«, a stone-lined well, 10 metres deep, which still during the reign of C hristian IV was furnishing the castle with water — of the very best quality. I t will pay the to u ­ rist to visit these ruins and by paying the admission (fiO 0 re a person) one gets a des­ cription of »Ruinerne under Christianshorg«. From the Royal Gate one

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