N ationalbanken — The National Bank.
c a p ita l; b u t the bank besi des owns a dividend-assess ment-fund of more than 25 million kroner and a pension- and benefit-fund of more than 4 million kroner. Of the surplus 750,000 kro ner are due to the State, after this the share-holders get 0 per cents and of the remain der the State gets y% and the share-holders %. The law of Ju ly 12th 1907 prolonged the concession af Nationalbanken until Ju ly 31th 1938 and the law of Au gust 30th 1919 introduced cer tain rules for the issue of no tes and the reserves, only va lid though until Ju ly 31th 1925. Nationalbanken has branch- offices in Aarhus, Aalborg,
ted a t Ilolmens Kanal and was bu ilt in I860—70 by the architect I. D. H erholdt in the style of Florence Renais sance w ith Northern motives. The building was inaugurated on May 9th 1870, while the addition by architect M artin Borch was taken into use in 1917. There are five directors and a committee of fifteen, elec ted by the share-holders, at least two from outside Copen hagen and two appointed by the M inister of Commerce. The M inister of Trade as a royal commissary is looking after, th a t the bank m ain tains its obligations to the State and the public finances.- The reserve-fund is now at its maximum, fixed by the law, 40 per cents of the share
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