Map 11.
The North Sealancl Peoples Museum.
T h e ann ua l Art=Exhibitions of C op enhagen .
The two ninnial A rt-E xhi bitions, whicli a ttra c t the spe cial attention og Copenhagen, are the Spring-Exhibition at Charlottcnborg, generally open from March 15th to August 15th, and the Independant Exhibition in its own buil ding on the corner of 0ster- brogade and 0 ster Voldgade (Route 2). This exhibition lias been instituted by a num ber of painters and sculptors, who were disstisfled with the censur of the Charlotteborg committee and now are exhibi tin g there works in this place. Charlotteborg on Kongcns
Nytorv (Route 2) has sience 1754 been the seat of The Royal Academy of Art. Char lotteborg was built in 1672 by U lrik Frederik Gyldcnlo- ve. The m aterials for the buil ding were brought over from the castle of Kalo in Ju tlan d , when it was torn down. The building of the Exhibitions in the yard behind the main- building is of a later origin and was built in 1880—83 (architect Alb. Jensen). The library of the academy is in stalled there and on the ground floor and first floor the exhibitions are held.
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