Map 8. T he Am nger M useum : T he room from the tow n of T om m erup. ago maintained their own holland character, custows and language and the object of the museum is to give a picture from th a t time. Open Wednesday and Sun­ day 10—5 from May to Sep­ tember during the other mon- thes only on weksdays. Ad­ mission 50 Ore. Northern Europe. The place itself was fornerly the Royal Court-Theatre. I t was a rra n ­ ged in 1700 by C hristian V II and rebuilt in 1842 by Chris­ tian VITT. Open Wednesday and Sun­ day 1—5 during the summer. Admission 50 Ore.

The zoological Museum form ing the one side of the U ni­ versity Square with front to ­ wards Krystalgade. I t is built in 1803—09 in Italian palace-style after the plan of Chr. Hansen. The court is glass-roofed, forming a beautiful hall. This museum possesses a very large collection of who­ le-skeletons, especially fine with regard to the Northern

The Theatre-historical Museum (Route 6) is situated by the Christiansborg Riding- ground with its entrance in the arcade near the P arlia­ ment-wing of the palace. The museum, having a na­ tional character was founded in 1912 by the »Society for Danish theatrical H istorya and contains the first and largest collection of th e atri­ cal pictures and objects in

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