The Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek.
consists of an E gyptian and Assyrian part, after which follows, in chronological or der, a Greek, a t Roman, an Italian and a medheval part. Catalogue (price K r. 1,00) at the wardrobe. Admission free. Open from April 15th to Oc tober 14th every day, excep ting Monday, 10—5 In the w inter 11—3. The Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek, dom inating the Dantes Squa re and conveying to the who le quarter its peculiar stamp, was erected in 1882 by the well-known Danish Maecenas, the brewer. Dr. phil. Carl Jacobsen and wife. The works of a r t are pla ced p artly in the older and front p a rt of the building (architect I. V. Dahlerup) which was opened in 1897, and
Admission free. Open all week, excepting Monday, (from April 15th to October 14th) 10—5. In the w inter 11—3 and Tuesday and F ri day in the evening 7—9. The following catalogues are sold at the w ardrobe: The Danish paintings and sculp tures (price K r. 1,50). The paintings of old ma sters and Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish artists (price K r. 200 ). 2: The Royal Collection of Engravings, situated on the ground-floor to the right, con sisting of about 100,000 prints engravings, etchings, engra vings on wood and drawings. Admission free. 3: The Royal Collection of Castings on the ground-floor to the left. The collection
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