The M eteorological Institute.
Map 3. (ling, (architect H. Clir. Han sen), consisting of a square p a rt in the middle on which is a cylinder of masonry with a copper-roofed revolving cu pola, inside of which a hollow pillar, carries the refractor, made for both optical and photographic observations. Of other instrum ents may be mentioned: the meridional arc, spectrograph, photometer, transit-instrum ent and mea suring apparatus. In front of the observatory, towards Ostervoldgade, is a bronce statne of Tycho Ihalic (II. V. Bissen). The Meteorological Institute in the building of the Hydro- graphic Office by the E spla nade (route 2), was establis hed in 1872, ranging under
the Navy-Department. The ob ject of the institu te is to ga ther, work and publish commu nications about the weather- conditions and about hydro- graphic and magnetic ways. The institu te is working in intim ate connection w ith the corresponding foreign in stitu tions and makes an extensive use of radio for the propaga tion of communications and warnings. The Northern Insuline-Labo- ratory, according to the pro visions made by the establis- ment of the in stitution is independent and m ust not earn any surplus to private individuals. I t supplies the Scandinavian countries with insuline at the lowest pos sible price, bu t is allowed to earn money, eventually, by
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