A m odern Copenhagen Sch ool: The Nyboder m unicipal school. cipal, Mr. Niels Bulch has established an in stitution for physical culture. His pupils have given exhibitions in se veral countries in Europe and in America. school at Elsinore, frequen ted by many foreigners. The aim of this highschool is to work against all the misun-; derstanding and suspicion, which unfortunately exist at present between the nations. Finally m ust he mentio ned the International High-
At present the university is frequented by 392.‘1 stu dents, of which (570 women. The number of professors and other teachers are 135. W ith the university are con nected all necessary labora tories and an excellent and valuable library, with free admission to the reading room for everybody. The present university buil-
The University of Copenhagen. There is a t present only one university in Denmark, situated in Copenhagen. I t was founded in 1479 and con sists of the 5 facu lties: for theology, for jurisprudence and political science, for me dical science, for philology and history and for m athe matics and physics. The u n i versity is a State-institution.
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