Chapter 7. Instruction , S c ie n c e and Art. The public instruction—Libraries and Archives—Scientific institutions — Museums, Collections, Exhibitions—Other things worth seeing. Being one of the oldest size, possesses a number of centres of culture in Europe scientific collections and art- and for many centuries the museums, not often found in capital and residence of the countries many times as large, kingdom, it is only n a tu ra l), N aturally, the main p art of th at Copenhagen should boast, these collections have found of being in possession of some their home in Copenhagen, of the best and most famous b u t during the last century, museums and scientific col- rich men in the provinces ha- lections in the world. ve founded local museums. Ever since the time of the Copenhagen during the last absolute kings the different decades has made for itself a governments of the country name of being the centre of have been liberal in granting the Northern Europe w ith re­ money for the purchases ne- gard to different sciences, cessary for science and art, and This especially is the case with most of the collections have the Chem istry and the Medi- been installed in buildings, cine, and the Rockefeller In- historically known and inte- stitutions in America by large resting, in themselves curio- endowments of money have sities of high rank. And at the made possible the establish- same time the country has ment of different laboratories, been fortunate enough lo have Those have been of internatio- scientists and patrons, giving nal value, as foreign scientists their money and work for pn- have completed their studies rely ideal reasons. Denmark in this country, therefore, in proportion to its

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