Rou te 5 (see map 7). Kobmagergade—Kultorvet—Fr£deriksborggade--Norre- og 0stervold — Dr. Louises Bro —Norrebrogade.

In the beginning of the street, to the left in No. 3, one will notice the old, known op­ tical firm of C. F. Thiele, with its big window, and further down on the corner of Wal- kendorffsgade the Kobmager* gudes Post-Office next to the wain-Telegrapli-Station (see page 38). Nearly opposite in No. 42—4fi are the buildings of the store Messen. The only sight of the street is Rundetaarn (the round tower see Chapter 7) which in spite of all common sense steps out almost to the middle of the street, threatening to stop the traffic.

Kobmagergade, beginning at Hojbroplads a t the corner of 0stergade (see Route 1) is especially in the afternoon the most trafficed street of Copenhagen. In spite of several rebuil­ dings it has kept the appea­ rance of an old-fashioned street and its narrow width, much to the impediment of the traffic. Kobmagergade is a busi­ ness-street . more Ilian any­ thing else. There are only a very few dwellings and al­ most every property in the street from the basement to the top floor is occupied by shops, offices and store-rooms.

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