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Kvaesthusbroen is situated at the end of Set. Anmeplads. On the busy shipping days Kvaesthusbroen is the scene of a very lively sight as a great number of steamers of the inland routes have their landing-place here. On the corner of Kvajstlms- gade is the big oftice-building of The United Steamship Company (see page 28). We then pass down Set. Anmeplads and turn into Amaliegade. Amaliegade, the street of the aristocracy, runs parallel with Bredgade (Route 2). By Ama- lienborg Square the street is divided into two parts. In the first one sees to the right the

Niels Juclsc/adc' leads from ITolmens Kamil to Ilavnegade, which ends at the head of Nyliavn. In Havnegade is the landing-])lace for the stea­ mers (Malmo and other ports of the Sound) of the S. S. Co. 0resund and for the Born- holmsteamers. From tlie quay with its lively traffic is seen the quays of Christianshavn with th e ir big store-houses and places as the place of the Greenland trade, the Krovers, Vilders- and Tee- lands places. From Holbergsgade across Nyhavnsbroen (bridge)one a r­ rives to the so-called Ny- havns-side of Nyliavn and by tu rn in g to the right to Kneest. husgade, leading to Kvcesthus - brocn.

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